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English article about the renovation - 2022

The renovation of Déri Miksa utca starts on 20th June 2022

The renovation will begin with the closing of the section between Nagy Fuvaros and Fecske utca on 20th June 2022. Construction is expected to take 4 months. At the beginning of construction, a street section will be closed every consecutive week. First we will close the section between Nagy Fuvaros and Fecske utca, which will be expanded the following week with the section between Fecske and Tolnai Lajos utca. The section will be further expanded 1 week later with the section between Tolnai Lajos and Víg utca, and finally the section between Víg and Német utca will be closed in 4 weeks. By about mid-July, all sections of the street between Nagy Fuvaros and Német utca will be closed, and work will be carried out on all work areas. 

During most of the construction, the intersections will be passable by car and pedestrian traffic will be provided everywhere. Each intersection will be closed individually and returned to traffic as soon as it is completed. Closures will also be indicated by traffic signs, please pay attention to these!

It is not allowed to drive into the work area or park during the locks, so please do not park your car in the closed sections. The Ho-ho-ho playground will be closed during the renovation. The Józsefváros Szent Kozma Medical Center will be accessible from Auróra or Nagy Fuvaros utca. Construction is expected to be completed in the fall of 2022.

If you want to keep up with the news of the renovation, join the Facebook group Megújuló Déri Miksa utca. If you have any questions about the construction, write to or call +36203326163 on working days between 9 am and 4 pm.

Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation!

The completed plans of the street

The plans of the street have been completed based on the main findings of the community planning events. An important aspect of the planning process was to create a public space that offers long-term solutions to the effects of climate change. Some of the rainwater will not be discharged into the sewer but to the green areas, improving the water balance of the soil, which cools the city by evaporating and reduces the need for irrigation. The light coloured pavement will heat up less over the summer, and there will also be a steam gate and drinking fountain on the street to make the heat more bearable.



The walkway will have a sunny and shady garden, chess table, refreshing points and lots of green space. A guardhouse will be built next to the playground to ensure a safer and more usable public space. There will be 2 public toilets in the building and parts of the playground will be redesigned into an outdoor gym. As per the request of residents, there will also be an arbor serving as a meeting point. Compered to the original plans, the pavements will be much wider, the speed of cars will be reduced and the green areas will expand. 59 trees will be planted and an area of 1360 m2 green area will be created, with the aim to increase biodiversity. 

Déri Miksa Street wholly refurbished by community planning!

At the beginning of 2020, Józsefváros Municipality decided to create a pedestrian friendly walkway with new functions on Déri Miksa utca between Nagy Fuvaros and Fecske utca. The aim of the Municipality was to create a promenade in the Market Hall neighbourhood that those working or living nearby can have a sense of ownership and pride about. For this to happen, locals were included in the planning process for the refurbishment of the street. Overall 5 community planning event was held to plan every detail of the park’s redevelopment jointly with those working and living there.

We first held a community picnic where we got to know each other and what awaited us during the planning process. 3 planning events were held to discuss broader issues like what a livable neighborhood is like, and we also collected specific ideas regarding the walkway. By the end of the three occasions, a mock-up was completed with the final features. On the test day we have tried out the street without traffic and parked cars. Chairs were put out to represent benches, concerts were held, and people could also play table tennis on the street. 

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